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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Six Young Scientists of the University Became Laureates of the “Presidential Mega-scholarship for Postgraduate Students”

Six Young Scientists of the University Became Laureates of the “Presidential Mega-scholarship for Postgraduate Students”

Самарский университет

They conduct research in framework of implementing priorities of Russia’s scientific and technological development

24.06.2024 1970-01-01

Results of the competitive selection for allocating scholarships of the President of Russia for postgraduate students and adjuncts conducting scientific research in framework of implementing priorities of Russia’s scientific and technological development defined in the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, was summed up. In total, 31 postgraduate students of Samara University participated in the competition.

The competition winners are:

·         Maksim Evtushenko

The scientific paper: “Development of the methodology for selecting design parameters and the structural and power scheme of space-rocket technology products made of composites, given initial imperfections”.

The scientific supervisor is Andrey Sedelnikov, Professor at General Designer D.I. Kozlov Department of Space Engineering.

·         Maksim Lapshov

The scientific paper: “The effect of small Sc and Zr additives on the microstructure and properties of Al-Mg-Si alloys with the excess of silicon”.

·         Aleksander Ragazin

The scientific paper: “Research of a new high-magnesium aluminum alloy economically alloyed with scandium and small additives of hafnium and erbium”.

The scientific supervisor is Evgeny Aryshensky, Professor at the Department of Metals Technology and Aviation Materials.

·         Artem Meshkov

The scientific paper: “Improving the technology of direct laser fusion of large-sized parts of gas-turbine engines on robotic installations”.

·         Maksim Oleinik

The scientific paper: “Development of a surfacing module with the adaptive nozzle for direct laser growth installations for creating parts of aircraft and rocket engines”.

The scientific supervisor is Aleksander Khaimovich, Head of the Department of Engine Production Technology.

·         Daria Agapova

The scientific paper: “Researching evolution and interaction of MHD waves in thermally active magnetically structured plasma”.

The scientific supervisor is Nonna Molevich, Professor at the Department of Physics.

Each winner will receive the scholarship in the amount of 75 thousand rubles per month until graduation from the postgraduate school.