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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
The University Scientists Are Among the Most Cited Ones in the World

The University Scientists Are Among the Most Cited Ones in the World

Самарский университет

The latest rating of the Elsevier Publishing House has been published

20.09.2024 1970-01-01

One of the largest scientific publishing houses in the world, Elsevier, has published the next annual update of the ranking of the most cited scientists on the planet. Scopus indexes over 20 thousand scientific journals published in different countries.

When compiling the ranking, experts take the number of mentions of scientists in the Scopus database of peer-reviewed scientific literature as a basis. The authors of the study used data on more than eight million scientists in various fields of science. The ranking was compiled on the basis of indicators for a specific field of science without taking into account self-citations. The calculation was made using all Scopus author profiles as of September 1, 2023. The ranking has two versions – for the entire career of the scientist and as of the end of the year.

In the latest ranking, out of 1,189 scientists from Russia, 11 represent Samara National Research University.

These are the President of the University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Soyfer, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Nikolay Kazansky, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Viktor Kotlyar, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Svetlana Khonina, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Leonid Doskolovich, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Alexey Kovalev, Assistant of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Dmitry Bykov, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Evgeny Bezus, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Dmitry Savelyev, Professor of the Department of Power Plants Automatic Systems Sergey Murzin, and Professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics Andrey Sedelnikov

The ranking For the Entire Career included 980 scientists from Russia. Nine scientists from Samara University are among them. They are the President of the University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Soyfer, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Nikolay Kazansky, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Viktor Kotlyar, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Svetlana Khonina, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Leonid Doskolovich, Professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Alexey Kovalev, Professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry Viktor Serezhkin, Professor of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics Evgeny Bashkirov, Professor of the Department of Power Plants Automatic Systems Sergey Murzin.