Field of application of unmanned air drones (UADs) has been developing very actively in recent years, and Russian universities face an important task to prepare qualified specialists in this field under the federal project “Personnel for unmanned aviation systems” (UVS). Samara National Research University became one of the leading universities fulfilling this mission. Rector of the University, Vladimir Bogatyrev, told in interview to RIA Novosti about launch of the new UVS staff training program.
- Vladimir Dmitrievich, in which year the UVS educational programs did appear in your educational network?
- UVS additional education programs appeared in our University as far back as 2019. In 2024, we launched program of higher education intended to last four years. It is named “Unmanned Air Drones”.
Earlier we did not see much need in a separate program because unmanned air drones are not very different from airplanes in terms of aircraft engineering. For all 80 years of its existence, our University has been teaching the students building of motors, helicopter engineering, technical operation, navigation, aircraft maintenance (avionics). These skills are enough to work with unmanned air drones, which must, for example, deliver cargo, execute monitoring of pipelines and fly thousands of kilometers because requirements to such vehicles are almost the same as to large airplanes.
However, currently, we see high demand for work with unmanned air drones weighing up to 30 kilograms which fly short distances and execute limited range of tasks. Small UVS have become more complex: many working load options have appeared for them, including cameras, night vision systems, modern software allowing to analyze obtained data using artificial intelligence. That is why we decided that, finally, an integral program is needed which will simultaneously give knowledge on such topics as propulsion engineering, avionics, maintenance of UVS.
- How popular is the new direction among the prospective students? What was the acceptance rate for UVS program?
- The first enrolment to the higher education program “Unmanned Air Drones” was successful, we noticed high interest to it. The prospective students sent in more than 500 applications, whereas there were 58 budget places, that means that the acceptance rate was approximately 10 persons per one place – it is a large acceptance rate.
- How quickly does the University respond to new challenges? How much time is needed to implement new educational programs?
- New higher education programs open every year and I think that a year is the optimal period for execution of all preparations. This is exactly as much time as it is spent for the whole cycle – from development to enrolment of students.
If we talk about the additional education on narrow topics then the additional professional education program may be prepared for several weeks. Fortunately, we have necessary skills, infrastructure and human resources which allow to prepare high-quality educational product in a short time.
- Drones are now used in various fields. Is there in your UVS program division to civil and military-industrial direction? And which of them is preferred by students?
- Our University has not have and does not have any specific programs in the military-industrial field because all our programs are applicable both for civil and combat aircrafts.
Nonetheless, our Military Training Center (MTC) has launched a program related to unmanned air drones for the first time this year and the students of any directions of training who have passed the selection procedure to MTC can immerse themselves into the specifics of military UADs.
- Are there any preferences for your students, for example, guaranteed employment or opportunity to work in a certain field while being a student?
- If by guaranteed employment we mean targeted places, then the opportunity exists, but such scheme is not popular among the students of engineering fields. They do not have problems with employment after graduation from our University, that is why the students prefer to stay free in their choice.
- Tell us about the cooperation of the University with the leading Russian companies in the field of UVS production. How successful is this practice?
- We have more than thousand agreements for internships and practical trainings all over the country. 25–30% of prospective students come to us from different regions and about 20–25% leave to work to other cities after graduation, including owing to successful internships.
- What is the role of Samara University’s Centre for Unmanned Systems in the filed of UVS?
- The Government of the Samara Region is striving to make our region one of the leading regions in the field of UVS, in the Samara region scientific and research center works and experimental legal regime has been introduced which expands the opportunities for testing and operation of UADs.
Our University is the scientific and educational center which develops new types of technics, provides their pilot production, trains pilots and technicians for operation and maintenance of unmanned air drones. Currently, the Aviation Training Center is created in the University that will prepare certified pilots for UVS.
Certainly, we are doing this in response to request of the enterprises. “Transport of future” is among the companies that we work with, it will produce unmanned air drones for agricultural needs on a mass scale, also these companies include “Pegas-agro”, “Aviakor” and others.
- How the activities of the federal project “Personnel for UVS” help to link todays students with future employer? And how will it influence the execution of tasks set by the state?
- Within the federal project “Personnel for UVS” we implement the whole set of actions. For example, they are short-term educational programs. Cost of study is 90% covered by the state and 10% is taken upon the employer or the students.
Besides that, under the federal projects we hold the festivals for schoolchildren, employers and industrial partners, which are interested in career guidance of schoolchildren, take part in them. Another example – training of youth engineering teams executing practical tasks from companies-employers.
I am sure that implementation of the federal project “Personnel for UVS” will create strong foundation for further development of this field in our country.