On December 16–20, at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the finale of the All-Russian Youth Competition of Scientific and Technical works “Orbit of Youth” was held as part of the Roscosmos Active-Youth Forum “Team of the Future”.
Following results of the qualifying stage, six scientific projects of Samara University’s students and postgraduates it to the finals, three of which were awarded by the panel of experts.
Tatiana Starostina, a postgraduate student at the Department of Flight Dynamics and Control Systems, took the 2nd place for her scientific work “Analysis of the stage of spacecraft descent to celestial bodies with the loose atmosphere” (Scientific supervisor: Olga Starinova, Head of the Department of Flight Dynamics and Control Systems).
The best student papers are:
· “Development and calibration of the Samsat_solar small-size spectrometer” by Maksim Yuronin, a bachelor-degree student of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering (Scientific supervisor: Mikhail Shcherbakov, Senior Lecturer at the Interuniversity Department of Space Research);
· “Liquid rocket propulsion system based on innovative fuel components” by students of the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering Ilya Matveev, Vladimir Mayorov, Yaroslav Rovny (Scientific supervisor: Valery Poptsov, an engineer of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School).