федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Student Science is the University’s Growth Point
Student Science is the University’s Growth Point

The strategic session of the University’s SSS (Student Scientific Society) allowed determining development trends for the current year


Much Light and Space
Much Light and Space

The look of the educational and laboratory building of the international interuniversity campus has been presented


Samara University Continues to Work in the Project “Advanced Engineering Schools”
Samara University Continues to Work in the Project “Advanced Engineering Schools”

The Council for Grants announced outcomes of allocating funds, based on results of the defenses


University Teachers Are Among the Winners of the Potanin Grant Competition
University Teachers Are Among the Winners of the Potanin Grant Competition

The list of winners includes representatives of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities


Three Gold Medals of the Samara Fitness Aerobics Championship in the Treasury of Samara University’s teams
Three Gold Medals of the Samara Fitness Aerobics Championship in the Treasury of Samara University’s teams

Congratulations to all athletes and coaches of the teams on the season opening and wish them victories in future!


The Space Factory of “Bricks of Life” Has Been  Launched in Samara
The Space Factory of “Bricks of Life” Has Been Launched in Samara

For the first experiments, the light of young stars was modelled


Smile, You Are on a Satellite: the Scientist Told Us about Outer Space in the Life of Samara Residents
Smile, You Are on a Satellite: the Scientist Told Us about Outer Space in the Life of Samara Residents

The scientist of Samara University told how many times a day and which way people use information from outer space

