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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Stadnik, Dmitriy M.

  • Department of Power Plant Automatic Systems, associate professor
  • senior researcher
  • senior researcher
  • 1 Stadnik D., Sverbilov V., Balyaba M. etc. Influence of the Internal Throttle Block on Dynamics of a Gas Pressure Regulator with a Built-In Silencer // 2023 9th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, FPM 2023. — 2023. —
  • 2 Stadnik D., Sverbilov V., Ilyukhin V. etc. Study of Dry Friction Forces in a Gas Pressure Regulator // 2023 9th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, FPM 2023. — 2023. —
  • 3 Stadnik D., Sverbilov V., Ilyukhin V. etc. Study on Stability of Gas Pressure Regulator with a Built-In Silencer // Energies 2023. — Vol. 16. Issue 1. № 1.
  • 1 Gareev A., Protsenko V., Stadnik D. etc. Improved fault diagnosis in hydraulic systems with gated convolutional autoencoder and partially simulated data // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 13.
  • 2 Vidyaskina Anna Nikolaevna, Ermilov M.A., Stadnik D.M. etc. Исследование динамических характеристик системы подачи сжатого воздуха на турбину стартера авиационного ГТД // Международная научно-техническая конференция «Проблемы и перспективы развития двигателестроения». — 2021. — Vol. 1. — P. 176-177
  • 3 Shakhmatov E.V., Igolkin A.A., Sverbilov V.Y. etc. Studies of the Characteristics of a Gas Pressure Regulator with a Noise Suppressor // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability 2021. — Vol. 50. Issue 6. — P. 481-488
  • 1 Gareev A., Gimadiev A. G. , Popelnyuk I. etc. Simulation of electro-hydraulic systems taking into account typical faults // BATH/ASME 2020 Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, FPMC 2020. — 2020. —
  • 2 Gareev A., Greshnyakov P., Gimadiev A. G. etc. A data array generating algorithm for diagnosing a hydraulic system using machine learning methods based on a virtual model // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2667. — P. 264-268
  • 3 Gareev A., Stadnik D., Popelniuk I. etc. Neural networks with simulated data for the faults detection in hydraulic systems // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 1 Gareev A.M., Minaev E.Y., Stadnik D.M. etc. Machine-learning algorithms for helicopter hydraulic faults detection: Model based research // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 5.
  • 2 Gareev A.M., Popelnyuk Ilya Aleksandrovich, Stadnik D.M. Имитационные модели гидравлических агрегатов воздушных судов с учётом характерных неисправностей // Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 2019. — Vol. 18. № 1. — P. 30-41
  • 1 Galushko I. D. , Salmina V. A. , Gafurov S. A. etc. Approach of Flow Control Around Unmanned Underwater Robot // IFAC-PapersOnLine 2018. — Vol. 51. Issue 30. — P. 452-457
  • 2 Gimadiev A. G. , Bystrov N.D., Utkin A. V. etc. On the additional error of a nonlinear hydraulic measuring circuit with pressure pulsations at the inlet // 2018 Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium, GFPS 2018. — 2018. —
  • 3 Galushko I. D. , Salmina V. A. , Gafurov S. A. etc. Experimental test bench for investigation of flow control around unmanned underwater robot // IFAC-PapersOnLine 2018. — Vol. 51. Issue 30. — P. 604-609
  • 1 Stadnik D.M., Igolkin A.A., Sverbilov V.Y. etc. The Muffler Performance Effect on Pressure Reducing Valve Dynamics // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 176. — P. 706-717
  • 2 Igolkin A.A., Kovarcev A. N. , Stadnik D.M. A research on acoustic characteristics of gas pressure regulator with silencer // International Journal of Acoustics and Vibrations 2017. — Vol. 22. Issue 4. — P. 507-510
  • 3 Igolkin A.A., Safin A.I., Stadnik D.M. etc. Comparative assessment of acoustic efficiency of mufflers with different porous metals // 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2017. — 2017. —
  • 4 Afanasev K., Shakhmatov E., Igolkin A. etc. The study on muffler parameters influence on the pneumatic pressure reducing valve performance // 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2017. — 2017. —
  • 5 Gimadiev A. G. , Bystrov N., Stadnik D. etc. Correcting frequency characteristics of pressure pulsations probes (review) // 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2017. — 2017. —
  • 1 Igolkin A., Afanasev K., Shakhmatov E. etc. The study of muffler parameters influence on pressure regulator dynamics and acoustic characteristics // ICSV 2016 - 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration: From Ancient to Modern Acoustics. — 2016. —
  • 2 Dmitry Stadnik, Alexander Igolkin, Victor Sverbilov etc. Effect of Muffler Performances on Pressure Reducer Dynamics // 3-я международная научно-техническая конференция "Динамика и виброакустика машин" (DVM2016). — 2016. — P. 281-281
  • 3 Gimadiev A.G., Sverbilov V.Ya., Stadnik D.M. Определение параметров регулятора давления газа непрямого действия для топливных баков ракеты-носителя с учётом обеспечения запаса устойчивости // Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 2016. — Vol. 15. № 4. — P. 33-46
  • 1 Gimadiev A.G., Bratchinin D.S., Stadnik D.M. POWER PLANT FUEL VALVE CHARACTERISTICS CONSIDERING HYDRODYNAMIC FORCE // The Fourteenth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power. — 2015. — P. 1-9
  • 2 Stadnik D., Sverbilov V., Gimadiev A. G. Researches on self-ecxited oscillations and pressure accuracy in power plant automatic control systems // 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2015. — 2015. — Vol. 2015-July. — P. 1-8
  • 3 Gimadiev A.G., Stadnik D.M., Greshnyakov P.I. etc. FREQUENCY RESPONSE CORRECTION OF LAUNCH VEHICLE FUEL LINE // The Fourteenth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power. — 2015. — P. 1-8
  • 4 Gimadiev A. G. , Greshnyakov P., Stadnik D. etc. Development of Mathematical Model and Analysis of Characteristics of Gas Dampener for Power Plant Fuel Main Line // Procedia Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 106. — P. 53-61
  • 5 Gimadiev A.G., Odinokov D.A., Stadnik D.M. Исследование погрешности уровнемера терминальной системы синхронного опорожнения баков ракеты-носителя // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН 2015. — Vol. 17. № 2 (4). — P. 746-751
  • 1 Gimadiev A. G. , Klyuev N. I. , Stadnik D.M. Calculation of static and dynamic characteristics for fuel consumption regulator in aircraft engines, taking into account the hydrodynamic force // Open Mechanical Engineering Journal 2014. — Vol. 8. — P. 431-435
  • 2 Badykova L., Stadnik D., Afanasev K. etc. Study on dynamics of air pressure reducing valve with focus on the noise attenuation problem // 8th FPNI Ph.D Symposium on Fluid Power, FPNI 2014. — 2014. —
  • 3 Gimadiev A. G. , Stadnik D.M., BRATChININ D.S. Analysis of the flow force in the fuel components supply valves of the aircraft engines // ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied sciences 2014. — Vol. 9. Issue 12. — P. 2864-2866
  • 1 Sverbilov V., Stadnik D., Makaryants G. Study on dynamic behavior of a gas pressure relief valve for a big flow rate // ASME/BATH 2013 Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, FPMC 2013. — 2013. —