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68 Postgraduate Foreign And Russian Students Receive Diplomas in the Botanic Garden

68 Postgraduate Foreign And Russian Students Receive Diplomas in the Botanic Garden

Самарский университет

Young scientists of Samara University complete their education

04.07.2023 2023-07-24
On Monday, July 3, in the heart of the Botanic Garden at Samara National Research University, the ceremony of awarding diplomas on completion of postgraduate studies to young scientists of the University took place. This year, 68 students received educational documents. A total of 620 postgraduate students are currently enrolled at the University, 51 of them citizens of other countries.

The graduates were congratulated by Andrey Prokofiev, First Vice-Rector – Vice-Rector for Research and Development. He said that the awarding of diplomas to postgraduate students at the Botanic Garden had become a wonderful tradition.

Addressing the graduates, Elena Rodionova, Head of the Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Department, urged them not to rest on their laurels and reminded them that the main goal is to defend a thesis and get a candidate degree.

Maria Reznichenko, Head of the Extra-Curricular Activities Office, added that a postgraduate student is not only a researcher, but also an educator, and postgraduates will have to become mentors for students.

One of the graduates of the postgraduate program is Du Chunzhui, a young scientist from China. This year he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of a Candidate of Technical Sciences. Under the direction of Professor Olga Starinova, Chunzhui is developing a software system for efficient control of satellites in near-lunar space. The development will be useful later, when exploring the Moon, for ensuring full-fledged operation of the future Lunar Space Station, and creating satellite communication, navigation and monitoring systems on the Moon. To future postgraduate students, Du Chunzhui advised, “Deal decisively with all the difficulties that arise in the process of studying, and pursue your goal. Learn, learn, and learn!” He also told about his success in mastering the Russian language: “Studying in graduate school allowed me to expand my knowledge of the Russian language; now I can read more scientific and technical literature.”

In the future, Chunzhui intends to work as a researcher and a teacher at one of universities in China.

Irina Matveeva completed her postgraduate studies in Optics. In the friendly team of Professor Valery Zakharov, she studied the data obtained with the help of a portable unit that allows to analyze the condition of the skin without violating its integrity. The unit developed at the university allows to quickly and painlessly detect both serious pathologies, such as neoplasms, and diagnose and analyze a number of skin problems. During her postgraduate studies, Irina participated and won several grant competitions; she is also a winner of the All-Russian Engineering Competition and the Russian-Chinese Industrial Innovation Competition. In parallel with her studies she works as a lecturer and engineer at the Department of Laser and Biotechnical Systems. He works as a junior researcher in the Photonics Research Laboratory. She is a part-time area head. In the future, she plans to continue her research, teaching and administrative work, as well as to defend her candidate thesis. To future postgraduate students, Irina advises, “The key to success is a properly chosen, engaging research topic, and an informed choice of a supervisor.”

This year, the University is offering postgraduate students 125 budget seats in 60 scientific specialties. Acceptance of applications began July 3 and will continue through August 9.

“In order to become a postgraduate student of Samara University, it is necessary to submit documents in person or remotely and pass the competitive selection. A big advantage at admission is having personal accomplishments. Preference will be given to students who have been engaged in scientific activity since master’s or specialist training, and have published scientific works. This year, newly enrolled postgraduates will study according to the updated state standards, which provide for a greater scientific load,” said Andrey Prokofiev.

Gleb Pankeev
Photo by Yana Shiyataya