федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Russian team won “silver” at the global championship Global Management Challenge
Russian team won “silver” at the global championship Global Management Challenge

Master student of Samara University David Oganesyan contributed to this victory


A serial gas turbine engine with 3D-printed combustion chamber was tested at university
A serial gas turbine engine with 3D-printed combustion chamber was tested at university

Such testing has been done for the first time in Russia


Samara University scholars’ developments help in life search on Mars
Samara University scholars’ developments help in life search on Mars

The second test of instruments on the board of orbital module TGO ended


Representatives of the world space agencies reported their desire to study at Samara University summer school
Representatives of the world space agencies reported their desire to study at Samara University summer school

Competition for participation in XIV summer school has grown to 5 people per place


Samara University to Help Sri Lanka in Space Programme Development
Samara University to Help Sri Lanka in Space Programme Development

Agreement with Arthur C Clarke Institute opens new possibilities for this country in the sphere of personnel training and small spacecraft development


School Children Thinking about Colonizing the Planets
School Children Thinking about Colonizing the Planets

Young researchers, participants in SPUTNIK contest, visited Samara University


Journal “Computer Optics” to be published in English
Journal “Computer Optics” to be published in English

Articles in open access will be available at the journal of Computer Optics website

