федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Samara scholars improved accuracy of early skin neoplasm diagnostics up to 97%
Samara scholars improved accuracy of early skin neoplasm diagnostics up to 97%

Specialists of Samara University, Samara State Medical University and Samara Regional Oncology Dispensary tested a new way to diagnose melanoma


Samara University To Host The United Nations Outer Space Workshop
Samara University To Host The United Nations Outer Space Workshop

The Russian University is privileged for the first time to hold the workshop on behalf of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs


"AIST-2D" Continues the Programme of Scientific Experiments
"AIST-2D" Continues the Programme of Scientific Experiments

A year ago the satellite was launched into space within the first launch campaign from the Vostochny Cosmodrome


Samara University is Developing a Biomodule for Nanosatellites
Samara University is Developing a Biomodule for Nanosatellites

The product will allow the University to expand the perspectives of scientific research in space


Specialists from Sri Lanka are learning to construct nanosatellites at Samara University
Specialists from Sri Lanka are learning to construct nanosatellites at Samara University

Two groups of specialists from Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies are doing an internship


Samara University scholars create Internet service of territorial ecological state estimation
Samara University scholars create Internet service of territorial ecological state estimation

The core of this service constitutes a unique method of natural ecosystems monitoring by photos from space


Summer school of Samara University will “accept” doctoral students from the leading European universities
Summer school of Samara University will “accept” doctoral students from the leading European universities

The school will be held under the aegis of UN 8 Framework Programme Horizon2020

