федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Samara scientists naturalized Russian drones to the hot climate of the Middle East
Samara scientists naturalized Russian drones to the hot climate of the Middle East

This will help to increase the supply of domestic equipment abroad


Samara scientists will send “children” and “grandchildren” of plants-cosmonauts into space
Samara scientists will send “children” and “grandchildren” of plants-cosmonauts into space

The experiment is intended for developing the idea of creating the space ark for seeds


Samara scientists develop nanosatellite to help explore the Arctic
Samara scientists develop nanosatellite to help explore the Arctic

The spacecraft will monitor the state of ionosphere


The Forth International Conference on Modern Network Technologies
The Forth International Conference on Modern Network Technologies

The Conference will be held from October 27th to 29th 2022 in Moscow, Russia


The Commercial Space Centre of Samara University is working out the interaction of the sites of the single distributed proving ground
The Commercial Space Centre of Samara University is working out the interaction of the sites of the single distributed proving ground

At the site of the PROGRESS Rocket Space Centre, pilot strength tests were conducted in the interests of the RocketLAV Student Design Bureau of the Samara University


Samara scientists’ development will increase the efficiency of optical traps for bacteria and viruses
Samara scientists’ development will increase the efficiency of optical traps for bacteria and viruses

New microlenses may find application in microelectronics, medicine and communications


Samara Scientists Develop "Space Chef’ robot"
Samara Scientists Develop "Space Chef’ robot"

The solution is based on a multifunctional 3D food printer capable of working at zero gravity

