федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Samara University сlimbed  more than 100 places in THE World University Ranking
Samara University сlimbed more than 100 places in THE World University Ranking

The 5<sup>th</sup> annual Emerging Economies University Rankings 2018 is published


Samara University develops programs of double diplomas in collaboration with the leading universities of the world
Samara University develops programs of double diplomas in collaboration with the leading universities of the world

Graduate students of Samara University receive diplomas of engineers at Freiberg Mining Academy


Students' satellites to assist in getting new knowledge about the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere
Students' satellites to assist in getting new knowledge about the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere

Six Russian universities will be involved in developing an orbit group


Samara University is indexed in the RUR global rating
Samara University is indexed in the RUR global rating

70 Russian universities are represented in the international rating


Representatives of the world space agencies reported their desire to study at Samara University summer school
Representatives of the world space agencies reported their desire to study at Samara University summer school

Competition for participation in XIV summer school has grown to 5 people per place

