федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Scientific Research Will Help to Understand the Origin of Life in the Universe
Scientific Research Will Help to Understand the Origin of Life in the Universe

The results of this work are presented in the article published in October 8 edition of the scientific journal Nature Astronomy


Samara University Begins Cooperation with the Technological Federal University of Paraná
Samara University Begins Cooperation with the Technological Federal University of Paraná

The delegation from Brazil paid a working visit to Samara University


Engineers of Samara University Are Developing Scientific Equipment for Russian-Chinese Research
Engineers of Samara University Are Developing Scientific Equipment for Russian-Chinese Research

A set of scientific instruments has been tested in space and at the accelerator of Samara University


Samara University Confirmed Its Position in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings
Samara University Confirmed Its Position in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings

Russia is represented by 35 universities in the ranking of the best universities in the world


The testing cycle of the mobile desalination plant is coming to an end
The testing cycle of the mobile desalination plant is coming to an end

Young Engineers of JSC “Metallist-Samara” and Scientists of Samara University Applied Aerospace Technologies to Combat Fresh Water Deficit in the Crimea


Delegation of Samara University Participated in the First UN Conference on Space Law and Policy
Delegation of Samara University Participated in the First UN Conference on Space Law and Policy

The participants of the conference discussed topical issues of human activity in space


Сooperation of Samara University with the University of Nottingham Will Allow to Design Innovative Materials
Сooperation of Samara University with the University of Nottingham Will Allow to Design Innovative Materials

Matthew Addicoat arrived to study the unique program ToposPro complex, developed at the university

