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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Kupriyanov, Alexander V.

  • Department of Technical Cybernetics, head
  • Institute of IT, Mathematics and Electronics, director
  • vice-rector
  • Department of Technical Cybernetics, leading researcher
  • Department of Information Systems and Technologies, professor
  • 1 Kilbas I., Gribanov D., Mukhin A. etc. Expanding the Context of Large Language Models Via Linear Interpolation of Positional Embeddings // 2024 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2024. — 2024. —
  • 2 Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A., Paringer R. etc. Spatiotemporal Variations of Gross Primary Productivity for Cropland Using Machine Learning Approach // 2024 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2024. — 2024. —
  • 3 Galanov K.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Fourier-Multiple Linear Regression Method in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Business Time Series Analysis Problem // 2024 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2024. — 2024. —
  • 4 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. Integrating landscape ecological risk with ecosystem services in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia // Computer Optics 2024. — Vol. 48. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 282-293
  • 5 Kupriyanov A.V., Vaskina Yuliya Vladimirovna, Sergeeva E.N. Материалы совместного научного семинара института информатики и кибернетики и социально-гуманитарного института // Semiotic Studies 2024. — Vol. 4. № 1. — P. 112-119
  • 1 PARINGER R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. Research methods for classification of the crystallogramms images // PRIP’2014. — 2014. — P. 231-234
  • 2 Ilyasova N.Y., Kupriyanov A.V. Simulation of images generated by the interaction of low energy X-ray radiation with materials // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2014. — Vol. 24. Issue 3. — P. 452-456
  • 3 Ilyasova N.Y., Kupriyanov A.V., Paringer R.A. Formation of features for improving the quality of medical diagnosis based on discriminant analysis methods // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 851-855
  • 4 Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Crystal lattice identification based on the estimation of Bravais and Wigner-Seitz unit cell parameters // International Conference IIP-10. — 2014. — P. 96-97
  • 1 Kupriyanov A., Ilyasova N., Malapheyev A. Diagnostic analysis using textural features of the lachrymal fluid crystal images // 13th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2005. — 2005. — P. 436-439
  • 1 Kupriyanov A.V., Ilyasova N.Yu., Ananin M.A. Geometrical parameters estimation of the retina images for blood vessels pathology diagnostics // European Signal Processing Conference. — 2007. — P. 1251-1254
  • 2 Anan'in M.A., Il'yasova N.Yu., Kupriyanov A.V. Estimating directions of optic disk blood vessels in retinal images // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2007. — Vol. 17. Issue 4. — P. 523-526
  • 1 Ilyasova N.Y., Kazansky N.L., Korepanov A.O. etc. Computer technology for the spatial reconstruction of the coronary vesels structure from angigographic projections // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 3. — P. 281-317
  • 2 Korepanov A.O., Ilyasova N.Y., Kupriyanov A.V. A method of the wavelet transformation for estimation of geometrical parameters upon the diagnostic images // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2009. — Vol. 18. Issue 4. — P. 343-348
  • 1 Ilyasova N.Y., Kupriyanov A.V., Ustinov A.V. Intraocular foreign body characteristics study on the basis of skull radiographical images analysis // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 2. — P. 268-274
  • 2 Kupriyanov A.V. Texture analysis and identification of the crystal lattice type upon the nanoscale images // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 2. — P. 151-157
  • 3 Soifer V.A., Kupriyanov A.V. Analysis and recognition of the nanoscale images: Conventional approach and novel problem statement // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 2. — P. 136-144
  • 1 Kupriyanov A.V., Kirsh D.V. Оценка меры схожести кристаллических решёток по координатам их узлов в трёхмерном пространстве // Computer Optics 2012. — № Т. 36, № 4. — P. 590-595
  • 2 Kupriyanov A. V. Наблюдаемость кристаллических решеток по нескольким узлам на изображениях их проекций // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. № 4. — P. 586-589
  • 3 Kupriyanov A.V. The observability of the crystal lattice by multiple nodes upon the images of their projections // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 586-589
  • 4 Kupriyanov A.V., Kirsh D.V. Estimating the similarity measure of crystal lattices by coordinates of their nodes in three-dimensional space // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 590-595
  • 5 Kupriyanov A.V., Soifer V.A. On the observability of the crystal lattice with the images of their projections // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 2. — P. 249-256
  • 1 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Evers M. etc. Food vulnerability and alluvial farming for food security in central dry zone area of Myanmar // International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. — 2013. — Vol. 42. Issue 4W5. — P. 31-38
  • 1 Kupriyanov A., Boori M., Chodri K. City susceptibility and sustainable development in Southeast Asia // Journal of Earth Science and Climate Change 2015. — № Vol. 6, № 2. — P. 1-3
  • 2 Kupriyanov A., Ilyasova N., Paringer R.A. Dendritic crystallogram images classification // Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 2015. — № Vol. 1, No 2. — P. 135-138
  • 3 Kupriyanov A., Boori M. Urban growth and LULC change from 1975 to 2015 through RS // Материалы Международной конференции и молодёжной школы «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2015). — 2015. — P. 50-60
  • 4 Boori M., Kupriyanov A., Soifer V. etc. Urban growth and LULC change from 1975 to 2015 through RS/GIS in Samara, Russia // 19th International Conference on Communications (part of CSCC ‘15). — 2015. — P. 265-273
  • 5 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. etc. Four decades urban growth and land use change in Samara Russia through remote sensing and GIS techniques // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 9817.
  • 6 Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Modeling and identification of centered crystal lattices in three-dimensional space // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2015. — Vol. 1490. — P. 162-170
  • 7 Soldatova O.P., Lyozin I.A., Lyozina I.V. etc. Application of fuzzy neural networks for defining crystal lattice types in nanoscale images // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 787-794
  • 8 Boori M.S., Kuznetsov A.V., Choudhary K.K. etc. Satellite image analysis to evaluate the urban growth and land use changes in the city of Samara from 1975 to 2015 // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 818-822
  • 9 Ilyasova N.Y., Kupriyanov A.V., Paringer R.A. The discriminant analysis application to refine the diagnostic features of blood vessels images // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2015. — Vol. 24. Issue 4. — P. 309-313
  • 10 Kupriyanov A.V., Kirsh D.V. Estimation of the crystal lattice similarity measure by three-dimensional coordinates of lattice nodes // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2015. — Vol. 24. Issue 2. — P. 145-151
  • 11 Ilyasova N.Yu., Kupriyanov A.V. The Big Data mining to improve medical diagnostics quality // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2015. — Vol. 1490. — P. 346-354
  • 12 Kirsh D., Kupriyanov A. Crystal lattice identification by coordinates of their nodes in three dimensional space // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2015. — Vol. 25. Issue 3. — P. 456-460
  • 13 Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. Development of parallel implementation for the dendritic crystallograms modeling algorithm // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2015. — Vol. 1490. — P. 285-289
  • 14 Kirsh D., Kupriyanov A. Identification of three-dimensional crystal lattices by estimation of their unit cell parameters // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2015. — Vol. 1452. — P. 40-45
  • 15 Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Researching methods of reconstruction of three-dimensional crystal lattice from images of projections // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2015. — Vol. 1490. — P. 290-297
  • 1 Bakanov D.S., Kupriyanov A.V. Designing an algorithm for annotating Russian-language text data of social media using transfer learning // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 2 Singh Boori M., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Machine learning for yield prediction in Fergana valley, Central Asia // Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 2023. — Vol. 22. — P. 107-120
  • 3 Asatryan D., Haroutunian M., Kurkchiyan V. etc. Dissimilarity-based algorithms for fabric defects detection // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2023. — Vol. 2757.
  • 4 Gabbasov R.R., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. etc. A method of coordinated optimization of neural network parameters for a given set of images // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2023. — Vol. 2757.
  • 5 Konevsky V., Gaidel A., Asatryan D. etc. Multiclass classification of texture images using greedy feature selection algorithms // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2023. — Vol. 2757.
  • 6 Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A., Boori M.S. etc. Land Sustainability Evaluation Using Remote Sensing Techniques with Google Earth Engine // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 7 Pchelkina Yu.Zh., Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. The active contours method analysis in solving cephalometry problems // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 8 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Wheat Yield Estimation and Predication Via Machine Learning // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 9 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Shi W. etc. Agricultural land suitability assessment for sustainable development using remote sensing techniques with analytic hierarchy process // Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 2023. — Vol. 32.
  • 10 Zhdanova A.N., Kupriyanov A.V., Golova A.A. etc. Study of the Efficiency of Different Architectures of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis of Russian-Language Comments of Social Network Users // Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 2023. — Vol. 59. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 417-426
  • 11 Asatryan D.G., Haroutunian M.E., Sazhumyan G.S. etc. Hybrid Binarization Method for Historical Handwritten Documents // Programming and Computer Software 2023. — Vol. 49. — P. S45-S50
  • 12 Asatryan D., Haroutunian M., Sazhumyan G. etc. Comparative Quality Analysis of Image Global Binarization Procedures // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 1 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A.V. Vulnerability analysis on Hyderabad city, India // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 5. — P. 752-758
  • 2 Boori M.S., Chodri K., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Vulnerability and landscape assessment in Indigirka River Basin, Eastern Siberia, Russia // Международная конференция и молодёжная школа "Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии" (ИТНТ-2016). — 2016. — P. 453-458
  • 3 Ilyasova N.Yu., Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. The effective features formation for the identification of regions of interest in a fundus images // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 788-795
  • 4 Chondri K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A.V. Land use/cover change detection through remote sensing and gis techniques: a case study of astrakhan, Russia // Международная конференция и молодёжная школа "Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии" (ИТНТ-2016). — 2016. — P. 503-509
  • 5 Choudhary K., Boori, M. S., Kupriyanov, A. etc. Analysis of urban spatio-temporal land use/cover change and expansion with their driving force through remote sensing and GIS in Samara city, Russia // Advanced Materials, Mechanical and Structural Engineering. — 2016. — P. 355-358
  • 6 Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Parallel implementations of parametric identification algorithms for three-dimensional crystal lattices // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 451-459
  • 7 Kravtsova N., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. Development of methods for crystallogramms images classification based on technique of detection informative areas in the spectral space // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 357-363
  • 8 Biryukova E., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A.V. Development of the effective set of features construction technology for texture image classes discrimination // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 263-269
  • 9 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Land use/cover change detection and vulnerability assessment in Indigirka River Basin, Eastern Siberia, Russia // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 270-283
  • 10 Ilyasova N.Yu., Abulkhanov D.A., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Evaluation of aberrations in the optical system of the human eye based on the spatial spectrum of a diagnostic image // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 39-48
  • 11 Ilyasova N., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. Regions of interest in a fundus image selection technique using the discriminative analysis methods // International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics, ICCVG 2016. — 2016. — Vol. 9972 LNCS. — P. 408-417
  • 12 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. etc. Natural and environmental vulnerability analysis through remote sensing and GIS techniques: A case study of Indigirka River basin, Eastern Siberia, Russia // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 10005.
  • 13 Boori M.S., Ferraro R.R., Choudhary K. etc. Use of AMSR-E microwave satellite data for land surface characteristics and snow cover variation // Data in Brief 2016. — Vol. 9. — P. 1077-1089
  • 14 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. etc. Satellite data for Singapore, Manila and Kuala Lumpur city growth analysis // Data in Brief 2016. — Vol. 7. — P. 1576-1583
  • 15 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. etc. Urbanization data of Samara city, Russia // Data in Brief 2016. — Vol. 6. — P. 885-889
  • 16 Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Application of gradient steepest descent method to the problem of crystal lattice parametric identification // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 393-400
  • 1 Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D., Kupriyanov A. Development of a vector algorithm of three-dimensional crystal lattice parametric identification based on estimation of the spacing between adjacent lattice planes // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — P. 690-697
  • 2 Boon M.S., Choudhary K., Evers M. etc. Environmental dynamics for central dry zone area of Myanmar // International Journal of Geoinformatics 2017. — Vol. 13. Issue 3. — P. 1-12
  • 3 Ilyasova N., Paringer R., Shirokanev A. S. etc. A smart feature selection technique for object localization in ocular fundus images with the aid of color subspaces // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — P. 736-745
  • 4 Boori M.S., Paringer R., Choudhary K. etc. Using hyperspectral and multi-spectral remote sensing data to build spectral library for land cover classification in Samara, Russia // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. — 2017. — Vol. 17. Issue 43. — P. 593-600
  • 5 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Evers M. etc. Environmental profile for central dry zone area of Myanmar // 2017 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2017. — 2017. — P. 151-155
  • 6 Ilyasova N., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. etc. Intelligent feature selection technique for segmentation of fundus images // 7th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2017. — 2017. — P. 138-143
  • 7 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A. Landscape analysis through remote sensing and GIS techniques: A case study of Astrakhan, Russia // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10225.
  • 8 Kravtsova N.S., Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. Parallel implementation of the informative areas generation method in the spatial spectrum domain // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 4. — P. 585-587
  • 9 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A. Mapping and evaluating urban density patterns in Moscow, Russia // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 4. — P. 528-534
  • 10 Biryukova E., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. Development of informative neighborhood selection technology for modeling texture images // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1901. — P. 32-36
  • 11 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A. Spatio-temporal analysis through remote sensing and GIS in Moscow region, Russia // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1901. — P. 42-46
  • 12 Ilyasova N.Yu., Baisova A.S., Kupriyanov A.V. Development and study of methods for estimating retinal vessel parameters using a modified local fan transform // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1901. — P. 92-98
  • 13 Ilyasova N., Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D. etc. Development of coagulate map formation algorithms to carry out treatment by laser coagulation // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — P. 271-279
  • 14 Kirsh D.V., Soldatova O.P., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. 3D crystal structure identification using fuzzy neural networks // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2017. — Vol. 26. Issue 4. — P. 249-256
  • 15 Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D., Kupriyanov A. Development of crystal lattice comparison method invariant to bravais unit cell choice // 2017 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2017. — 2017. — P. 125-129
  • 16 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. Vulnerability evaluation from 1995 to 2016 in central dry zone area of Myanmar // International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 2017. — Vol. 32. — P. 139-154
  • 17 Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Research of an algorithm for crystal lattice parameter identification based on the gradient steepest descent method // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 3. — P. 453-460
  • 18 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. etc. Informatics and computational method for inundation and land use study in arctic sea eastern Siberia, Russia // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10176.
  • 19 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A. A geospatial approach for vulnerability analysis on Moscow, Russia // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. — 2017. — Vol. 17. Issue 43. — P. 293-300
  • 20 Kravtsova N., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. Development of parallel implementation of the informative areas generation method in the spatial spectrum domain // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1902. — P. 51-54
  • 21 Ilyasova N., Kirsh D., Paringer R. etc. Coagulate map formation algorithms for laser eye treatment // 2017 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2017. — 2017. — P. 120-124
  • 1 Boori M.S., Paringer R., Choudhary K. etc. Supervised and unsupervised classification for obtaining land use/cover classes from hyperspectral and multi-spectral imagery // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 10773.
  • 2 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. Groundwater potentiality assessment for hydrology through geo-informatics in Kalmykia, Russia // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. — 2018. — Vol. 18. Issue 1.2. — P. 309-316
  • 3 Ilyasova N.Yu., Shirokanev A. S. , Paringer R.A. etc. A modified technique for smart textural feature selection to extract retinal regions of interest using image pre-processing // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 4 Shirokanev A.S., Kirsh D.V., Ilyasova N.Yu. etc. Исследование алгоритмов расстановки коагулятов на изображение глазного дна // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. № 4. — P. 712-721
  • 5 Rycarev I. A. , Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Clustering of media content from social networks using bigdata technology // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 5. — P. 921-927
  • 6 Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D.V., Ilyasova N.Y. etc. Investigation of algorithms for coagulate arrangement in fundus images // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 4. — P. 712-721
  • 7 Ilyasova N., Kupriyanov A., Paringer R. etc. Particular Use of BIG DATA in Medical Diagnostic Tasks // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2018. — Vol. 28. Issue 1. — P. 114-121
  • 8 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A. An approach to delineate groundwater potential zones in Orenburg, Russia // Disaster Advances 2018. — Vol. 11. Issue 8. — P. 30-38
  • 9 Rycarev I. A. , Kozlov D. D. , Kravtsova N.S. etc. Application of the principal component analysis to detect semantic differences during the content analysis of social networks // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 2212. — P. 262-269
  • 10 Paringer R., Donon Y., Boori M.S. etc. Information analysis of geometrical and statistical features of dendritical structures images // Proceedings - 2018 2nd European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, EECS 2018. — 2018. — P. 577-581
  • 11 Boori M.S., Paringer R., Choudhary K. etc. Land cover classification and build spectral library from hyperspectral and multi-spectral satellite data: A data comparison study in Samara, Russia // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 2210. — P. 390-401
  • 12 Paringer R., Boori M.S., Donon Y. etc. Development of technology for the identification of model parameters for dendritic structures images // 2018 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2018. — 2018. — P. 84-88
  • 13 Boori M.S., Paringer R.A., Choudhary K. etc. Comparison of hyperspectral and multi-spectral imagery to building a spectral library and land cover classification performance // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 6. — P. 1035-1045
  • 14 Ilyasova N.Y., Shirokanev A. S. , Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Methods of Intellectual Analysis in Medical Diagnostic Tasks Using Smart Feature Selection // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2018. — Vol. 28. Issue 4. — P. 637-645
  • 15 Kirsh D., Kupriyanov A., Paringer R. etc. Structural identification of crystal lattices based on fuzzy neural network approach // 24rd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, WSCG 2016 - Short Papers Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 2802. Issue May. — P. 183-189
  • 16 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. RS/GIS Technology for groundwater potentiality assessment hydrological analysis // 2018 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2018. — 2018. — P. 160-163
  • 17 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A. Remote sensing investigation of inundation, elevation and land use assessment for vulnerability analysis in Moscow, Russia // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 2210. — P. 379-389
  • 18 Rycarev I. A. , Kupriyanov A.V., Kirsh D.V. etc. Clustering of social media content with the use of BigData technology // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 1 Mukhin A. S. , Rycarev I. A. , Paringer R.A. etc. Determining the proximity of groups in social networks based on text analysis using big data // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2416. — P. 521-526
  • 2 Ilyasova N.Y., Shirokanev A. S. , Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Technology of intellectual feature selection for a system of automatic formation of a coagulate plan on retina // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 2. — P. 304-315
  • 3 Buri M., Paringer R.A., Choudkhari K. etc. Vegetation drought dynamics analysis in European Russia // V Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Vol. 2. — P. 254-261
  • 4 Donon Ya., Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. Image storage optimization and feature calculation on Netezza database system // V Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Vol. 4. — P. 187-190
  • 5 Khotilin M.I., Kravcova N.S., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Восстановление изображений социальных сетей, подвергшихся обработке, на примере социальной сети Instagram // V Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Vol. 4. — P. 788-791
  • 6 Kravcova N.S., Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. Формирование набора информативных областей пространственного спектра и его свойства // V Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Vol. 4. — P. 753-756
  • 7 Boori M., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. Identification and mapping of groundwater potential zone through remote sensing and gis technology in kalmykia, russia // International Journal of Geoinformatics 2019. — Vol. 15. Issue 1. — P. 23-36
  • 8 Kirsh D.V., Shirokanev A. S. , Kupriyanov A.V. Algorithm of reconstruction of a three-dimensional crystal structure from twodimensional projections // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 2. — P. 324-331
  • 9 Khotilin M. I. , Kravtsova N.S., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Restoration of images of social networks that have undergone processing, on the example of the social network Instagram // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2416. — P. 566-569
  • 10 Shirokanev A. S. , Kirsh D.V., Kupriyanov A.V. The study of effectiveness of a high-performance crystal lattice parametric identification algorithm based on CUDA technology // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 5.
  • 11 Rycarev I. A. , Kupriyanov A.V., Kirsh D.V. etc. Research and analysis of messages of users of social networks using BigData technology // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2416. — P. 504-509
  • 12 Donon Ya. , Kupriyanov A., Kirsh D. etc. Anomaly detection and breakdown prediction in RF power source output: A review of approaches // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2507. — P. 99-104
  • 13 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A.V. A remote sensing and GIS based approach for land use/cover, inundation and vulnerability analysis in Moscow, Russia // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 1. — P. 90-98
  • 14 Donon Y., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. etc. Blur-robust image registration and stitching // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 5.
  • 15 Rycarev I. A. , Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Application of principal component analysis to identify semantic differences and estimate relative positioning of network communities in the study of social networks content // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 5.
  • 16 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Monitoring crop phenology using NDVI time series from sentinel 2 satellite data // 2019 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2019. — 2019. — P. 62-66
  • 17 Boori M.S., Paringer R., Choudhary K. etc. Vegetation drought dynamic analysis in European Russia // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2391. — P. 11-22
  • 18 Donon Y., Paringer R., Kupriyanov A. Binary data storage, retrieval and feature calculation on Netezza PureData system for Analytics // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 5.
  • 19 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. Mapping of Groundwater Potential Zone Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Kalmykia, Russia // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2019. — Vol. 28. Issue 1. — P. 36-49
  • 20 Ilyasova N., Shirokanev A. S. , Paringer R. etc. Biomedical data analysis based on parallel programming technology application for computation features' effectiveness // 2019 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing, ICFSP 2019. — 2019. — P. 67-71
  • 21 Choudhary K., Boori M.S., Kupriyanov A. Groundwater potential zones in relation to catchment condition in Orenburg, Russia // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2391. — P. 60-65
  • 1 Smirnov I. D. , Rycarev I. A. , Kupriyanov A. etc. Development of algorithms for annotating information in social networks // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 2 Kurbatov Yu. A. , Rycarev I. A. , Kupriyanov A. Research of Text Data Processing Algorithms in Social Networks // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 3 Singh Boori M., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. 2019 Land Cover Map of Southeast Asia at 30 m Spatial Resolution with Changes Since 2010 // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2020. — Vol. 29. Issue 3. — P. 257-262
  • 4 Khotilin M. I. , Kravtsova N., Rycarev I. A. etc. Classification of objects of natural hyperspectral images // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 5 Mukhin Artem Vladimirovich, Kilbas I.A., Paringer R.A. etc. Algorithm for Data Balancing Based on Gradient Descent // 2nd International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI' 2020). — 2020. — P. 56-59
  • 6 Donon Y., Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. Parameters selection for Blurred Image Matching // IRCE 2020 - 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control Engineering. — 2020. — P. 58-61
  • 7 Ilyasova N.Y., Demin N.S., Shirokanev A. S. etc. Method for selection macular edema region using optical coherence tomography data // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 2. — P. 250-258
  • 8 Donon Y., Kupriyanov A., Paringer R. Image normalization for blurred image matching // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2667. — P. 127-131
  • 9 Paringer R.A., Donon Y., Kupriyanov A.V. Modification of blurred image matching method // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 3. — P. 441-445
  • 10 Kaminskiy M., Rycarev I. A. , Khotilin M. I. etc. Building a graph of a sequence of text units to create a sentence generation system // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2667. — P. 121-126
  • 11 Kilbas Igor Aleksandrovich, R. Paringer, N. Ilyasova etc. Modifying Gradient of a Loss Function to Tackle Class Imbalance // 2nd International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI' 2020). — 2020. — P. 52-55
  • 12 Boori M., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. Vegetation Dynamics with Elevation in Southern European Russia // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2020. — Vol. 459. Issue 2.
  • 13 Agbo I., Kupriyanov A., Rycarev I. A. Big Data Architecture: Designing the Right Solution for Social Network Analysis // 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security, ISDFS 2020. — 2020. —
  • 14 Katanov I., Kupriyanov A., Ionov D. etc. Application of a perceptron to solve the problem of analyzing the fluorescence spectrum of a dbmbf2 sensor in a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2667. — P. 319-322
  • 15 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A.V. Crop growth monitoring through sentinel and landsat data based ndvi time-series // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 3. — P. 409-419
  • 16 Donon Ya. , Kupriyanov A., Kirsh D. etc. Extended anomaly detection and breakdown prediction in LINAC 4's RF power source output // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 1 Zhdanova A.N., Kupriyanov A.V., Khoroshilova A.A. Using data mining algorithms to solve the problem of predicting personal characteristics of a person based on the analysis of open data from social networks // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 2 Kupriyanov A., Asatryan D., Haroutunian M. etc. Structural Intellectual Techniques for Texture Image Analysis // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 3 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Spatiotemporal ecological vulnerability analysis with statistical correlation based on satellite remote sensing in Samara, Russia // JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2021. — Vol. 285.
  • 4 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Ecosystem Health Assessment Based on Pressure State Response Framework Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2021. — Vol. 767. Issue 1.
  • 5 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Eco-environmental quality assessment based on pressure-state-response framework by remote sensing and GIS // Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 2021. — Vol. 23.
  • 6 Pechenin V., Pechenina E., Bolotov M. etc. Reducing the labor intensity of technological operations using computer vision system // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 7 Paringer R.A., Mukhin A.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Formation of an informative index for recognizing specified objects in hyperspectral data // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 6. — P. 873-878
  • 8 Repin S. S. , Kupriyanov A. Algorithms based on neural network for segmentation of defects on metal sheet images // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 1 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Ecosystem health comparison in between Tatarstan and Samara State, Russia // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 2 Choudhary K., Shi W.-Z.J., Kupriyanov A. etc. A brief overview of satellite imagery for yield estimation in agroecosystem // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 3 Konevsky V.V., Blagov A.V., Gaydel A.V. etc. Improving the efficiency of brain MRI image analysis using feature selection // Computer Optics 2022. — Vol. 46. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 621-627
  • 4 Mukhin A.V., Kilbas I.A., Paringer R.A. etc. A method for balancing a multi-labeled biomedical dataset // INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING 2022. — Vol. 29. Issue 2. — P. 209-225
  • 5 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R.A. etc. Spatiotemporal ecosystem health assessment comparison under the pressure-state-response framework // Computer Optics 2022. — Vol. 46. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 634-642
  • 6 Tislenko M.D., Gaydel A.V., Kupriyanov A.V. Comparison of feature selection algorithms for Data classification problems // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 7 Zhdanova A.N., Kupriyanov A.V., Sherenkov D.S. Morphological text analysis using neural networks // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 8 Pechenin V., Pechenina E., Bolotov M. etc. Development of a nozzle assembly technique using clustering methods // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 9 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Kupriyanov A. Detecting vegetation drought dynamics in European Russia // Geocarto International 2022. —
  • 10 Khotilin M.I., Paringer R.A., Kupriyanov A.V. etc. Estimation of hyperspectral images bands similarity using textural properties // 3rd International Workshop at the American University of Armenia, College of Science & Engineering. — 2022. — P. 76-83
  • 11 Asatryan D., Haroutunian M., Kupriyanov A. etc. Automatic Dominant Orientation Estimation in Texture Images Using the Scattering Ellipse of the Gradients // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2022. — Vol. 31. — P. 1-7
  • 12 Boori M.S., Choudhary K., Paringer R. etc. Using RS/GIS for spatiotemporal ecological vulnerability analysis based on DPSIR framework in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia // Ecological Informatics 2022. — Vol. 67.
  • 1 Ilyasova N.Y., Kupriyanov A.V., Ananin M.A. etc. Measuring biomechanical characteristics of blood vessels for early diagnostics of vascular retinal pathologies // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. — 2004. — Vol. 3217. Issue 1 PART 2. — P. 251-258