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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Biryuk, Vladimir V.

  • Department of Thermal Engineering and Thermal Engines, specialist
  • 1 Uglanov D., Biryuk V., Korneev S. etc. Experimental Studies of the Influence of the Composition and Thermophysical Characteristics of Matrix Materials and Thermal Storage Materials on the Properties of a Heat Accumulator // Proceedings - 2022 Power System and Green Energy Conference, PSGEC 2022. — 2022. — P. 1052-1056
  • 2 Uglanov D., Shimanov A., Biryuk V. etc. Numerical Studies of the Influence of Geometrical Parameters of Heat Exchange Surfaces on the Efficiency of Heat Transfer Processes During the Flow Of Different Molecular Heat Carriers // Proceedings - 2022 Power System and Green Energy Conference, PSGEC 2022. — 2022. — P. 144-148
  • 3 Biryuk V.V., Zakharov M.O., Gorshkalev A.A. etc. Development of a Methodology for Determining Natural Frequencies and Conducting Accelerated Resonance Tests for the Reliability of Valve Springs of an Internal Combustion Engine // 2022 International Conference on Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of Machines, DVM 2022. — 2022. —
  • 1 Biryuk V.V., Zakharov M.O., Gorshkalev A.A etc. Development of a Test Bench for Determining the Power Characteristics of a Small-Size Two-Stroke Internal Combustion Engine // 2021 International Scientific and Technical Engine Conference (EC). — 2021. — P. 1-6
  • 2 Biryuk V.V., Zakharov M.O., Gorshkalev A.A. etc. Development of a Methodology for Calculating the Working Process of a Small-Size Two-Stroke Internal Combustion Engine // 2021 International Scientific and Technical Engine Conference (EC). — 2021. — P. 1-7
  • 3 Biryuk V.V., Kayukov S.S., Gorshkalev A.A. etc. Analysis of Ways to Improve the Speed of a Diesel Injector for the Implementation of Split Injection // 2021 International Scientific and Technical Engine Conference (EC). — 2021. — P. 1-5
  • 4 Blagin E., Uskov I., Kuznetsova E. etc. Modeling of charge and discharge processes of experimental unit of heat accumulator // 2021 International Scientific and Technical Engine Conference (EC). — 2021. — P. 1-5
  • 1 Biryuk V.V., Vorotyncev I. E. , Tyulkin D. D. etc. Development and prospects for the introduction of a low-emission combustion system for ground-based gas turbine engines and gas turbine units // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1652. Issue 1.
  • 2 Tian V.K., Gulina S.A., Sheludko L.P. etc. Method for determining the characteristics of a gas-steam chp with a steam turbo drive of a compressor // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 791. Issue 1.
  • 3 Biryuk V.V., Tsybizov Y.I., Sheludko L.P. etc. Prospects for the use of methane conversion for increasing energy and environmental efficiency of energy installations // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1652. Issue 1.
  • 1 Nichkova L.A., Sigora G.A., Khomenko T.Y. etc. Optimization of the Seawater Desalination Method for a Certain Region // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2019. — Vol. 264. Issue 1.
  • 2 Uglanov D., Blagin E., Panshin R. etc. Comparative Analysis of Power Plants Using Low Potential Heat of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2019. — Vol. 692. Issue 1.
  • 3 Razuvaev A.V., Biryuk V.V., Blagin E.V. Experimental research of the diesel engine with modernized system of air supply // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1399. Issue 5.
  • 1 Biryuk V.V., Larin E.A., Livshits M.Y. etc. Unitized Power and Heat Generating Steam–Gas Plant // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 2018. — Vol. 91. Issue 4. — P. 1029-1037
  • 2 Buryuk V.V., Kayukov S. S. , Gorshkalev A.A. etc. Modelling the High-speed Injector for Diesel ICE // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 302. Issue 1.
  • 3 Rudolf S., Biryuk V.V., Volov V. Vortex effect, vortex power: Technology of vortex power engineering // Handbook of Research on Renewable Energy and Electric Resources for Sustainable Rural Development 2018. — P. 500-533
  • 4 Zvyagintsev V.A., Lysenko Yu. D. , Biryuk V.V. etc. Application of the "flow-rate - Specific enthalpy" diagrams for designing and energy efficiency estimation of the distillation plant // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1111. Issue 1.
  • 5 Sheludko L.P., Gulina S.A., Biruk V.V. etc. Efficiency increase of the technologic electric plant on oil-pumping stations of the main oil pipe line // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1111. Issue 1.
  • 6 Biryuk V.V., Tsapkova A.B., Larin E.A. etc. System Statement of Tasks of Calculating and Providing the Reliability of Heating Cogeneration Plants in Power Systems // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 302. Issue 1.
  • 7 Biryuk V.V., Gorshkalev A.A., Uglanov D.A. etc. A Refined Model for Calculation of the Vortex Tube Thermal Characteristics // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 302. Issue 1.
  • 8 Blagin E.V., Biryuk V.V., Anisimov M.Y. etc. Parametric optimization of the MVC desalination plant with thermomechanical compressor // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 339. Issue 1.
  • 9 Razuvaev A.V., Biryuk V.V., Blagin E.V. Increase of the energy plant efficiency in special conditions of its operation // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 209.
  • 10 Baturin O.V., Biyuk V.V., Zvyagintsev V.A. etc. Investigation of possibility to use industrial high pressure fan as steam compressor for distillation desalination plant // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1111. Issue 1.
  • 11 Sheludko L.P., Gulina S.A., Biruk V.V. Promising methods of compressor station efficiency increase of the main pipe lines // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1111. Issue 1.
  • 1 Biryuk V.V., Gorshkalev A.A., Tsapkova A.B. etc. Optimization of Geometric Parameters of the Cyclone Apparatus Based on its Numerical Modeling // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 803. Issue 1.
  • 2 Shimanov A.A., Biryuk V.V., Shelud'ko L.P. etc. Maneuvering heat combined cycle gas turbine engine unit // International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 2017. — Vol. 6. Issue 5. — P. 391-395
  • 3 Korchak V.Yu., Kuznecov V.V., Borisenkov I.L. etc. О некоторых вопросах научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ в авиационной отрасли // Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 2017. — Vol. 16. № 2. — P. 60-64
  • 4 Shimanov A.A., Biryuk V.V., Sheludko L.P. etc. Gas-turbine expander power generating systems for internal needs of compressor stations of gas-main pipelines // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1876.
  • 1 Artem Shimanov, Vladimir Biryuk, Sheludko L.P. etc. Maneuvering Heat Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Engine Unit // 2016 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Systems (ICMES 2016). — 2016. — P. 18
  • 2 Myatishkin Gennady, Biryuk Vladimir, Prokhorova Anastasia Определение энергоэффективности системы электроснабжения промышленного предприятия через оценку режимов потребления электрической энергии // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН 2016. — Vol. 18. № 4. — P. 181-183
  • 3 Biryuk V.V., Tsapkova A.B., Shimanov A.A. Numerical modeling of cyclone machine for cleaning gas generator gases // Key Engineering Materials. — 2016. — Vol. 685. — P. 153-157
  • 5 Biryuk V.V, Blagin E.V, Gorshkalev A.A. etc. МЕТОДИКА ОЦЕНКИ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ДИСТИЛЛЯЦИОННЫХ ОПРЕСНИТЕЛЬНЫХ УСТАНОВОК // Modern Science Success 2016. — Vol. 8. № 12. — P. 188-192
  • 6 Biryuk V.V., Danilin S.A., Boyarkina U.V etc. ИНФОРМАЦИИ О СОСТОЯНИИ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫХ МЕХАНИЗМОВ // Modern Science Success 2016. — Vol. 8. № 12. — P. 104-107
  • 7 Biryuk V.V., Gorshkalev A.A., Lukachev S.V. etc. Multinozzle combustion chamber of aviation gas turbine engines as a basis of environmental safety. Review // International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment 2016. — Vol. 17. Issue 2-4. — P. 279-294
  • 1 Biryuk V.V., Gorshkalev A.A., Kayukov S. S. etc. Gas-dynamic analysis of processes in a small-sizes two-stroke combustion engine // Open Mechanical Engineering Journal 2014. — Vol. 8. — P. 441-444
  • 2 Biryuk V., Kayukov S. S. , Zvyagintsev V. etc. Ways of speed increase for internal combustion engine fuel injectors // Research Journal of Applied Sciences 2014. — Vol. 9. Issue 11. — P. 721-724
  • 1 BIRYuK V.V., Serebryakov R. The vortex wind power plant // Research in Agricultural Electric Engineering 2013. — № V.2,2013,№2. — P. 79-82
  • 2 BIRYuK V.V., Serebryakov R. Vortex effect - vortex energy technologies // Research in Agricultural Electric Engeneering 2013. — № V.2, 2013, №2. — P. 74-79
  • 1 Vasiliev V.V., Anshakov G.P., Abrashkin A.V. etc. Complex thermal fields simulation on board the "foton" spacecraft // International Astronautical Federation - 55th International Astronautical Congress 2004. — 2004. — Vol. 8. — P. 5115-5121
  • 1 Vasiliev V.V., Salmin V.V., Biryuk V.V. etc. Thermal fields computer simulation at the "FOTON" spacecraft // 54th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the International Academy of Astronautics and the International Institute of Space Law. — 2003. — Vol. 2. — P. 2777-2783
  • 1 Biryuk V.V. Vortex effect of gas energy separation in aircraft engineering and technology // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika 1993. — Issue 2. — P. 20-23
  • 1 Merkulov A.P., Biryuk V.V., Smolyar G.A. AUTONOMOUS CASCADED VORTEX SYSTEMS FOR COOLING FLIGHT VEHICLE EQUIPMENT. // Sov Aeronaut 1980. — Vol. 23. Issue 3. — P. 60-63