федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Юмаганов Александр Сергеевич

  • Кафедра геоинформатики и информационной безопасности, старший преподаватель
  • НИЛ-55 (Научно-исследовательская лаборатория геоинформатики и информационной безопасности), научный сотрудник
  • НИИ-201 (Институт акустики машин), старший научный сотрудник


  • 1 Yumaganov A., Agafonov A., Myasnikov V. Reinforcement learning based adaptive traffic signal control method invariant to the configuration of the traffic lights // 2024 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2024. — 2024. —
  • 2 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A., Myasnikov V. Adaptive Traffic Signal Control by Choosing Phase Duration // 2024 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2024. — 2024. —
  • 1 Agafonov A.A., Yumaganov A., Myasnikov V. Cooperative Control for Signalized Intersections in Intelligent Connected Vehicle Environments // MATHEMATICS 2023. — Vol. 11. Issue 6. № 6.
  • 2 Yumaganov A., Agafonov A., Myasnikov V. Cooperative Application of Vehicular Traffic Rerouting Method and Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Method // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 3 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A., Myasnikov V. Efficiency of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in a Partially Connected Vehicle Environment // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 4 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A. COOPERATIVE CONTROL OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND VEHICLE TRAJECTORIES // Informatics and Automation 2023. — Vol. 22. Issue 1. № 1. — P. 5-32
  • 1 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A., Myasnikov V. An Algorithm for Cooperative Control of Traffic Signals and Vehicle Trajectories // Proceedings - 2022 4th International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency, SUMMA 2022. — 2022. — P. 675-680
  • 2 Agafonov A.A., Yumaganov A.S., Myasnikov V.V. Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Based on Neural Network Prediction of Weighted Traffic Flow // Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 2022. — Vol. 58. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 503-513
  • 3 Yumaganov A., Agafonov A. Vehicle Trajectory Planning in the Problem of Traffic Flow Control at Signalized Intersections // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 4 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A., Myasnikov V. Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Based on Maximum Weighted Traffic Flow // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 1 Yumaganov A., Agafonov A. Comparison of Autonomous Driving Approaches // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 2 Yumaganov A. Comparison of Siamese neural network architectures in the problem of similar code sequences search // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 3 Yumaganov A., Agafonov A., Myasnikov V. An Improved Map Matching Algorithm Based on Dynamic Programming Approach // Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. — 2021. — Vol. 413 LNBIP. — P. 87-102
  • 4 Myasnikov V.V., Agafonov A.A., Yumaganov A.S. A deterministic predictive traffic signal control model in intelligent transportation and geoinformation systems // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 6. — P. 917-925
  • 5 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A. Agent-Based Traffic Signal Control Using a Reinforcement Learning Approach // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 6 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A., Myasnikov V. Determining the Optimal Number of Features for User Preference Elicitation in Recommender Systems // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 1 Yumaganov A. Searching for similar code sequences in executable files using siamese neural network // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2667. — P. 203-206
  • 2 Borodinov A. A. , Myasnikov V., Yumaganov A. A dataset for determining user preferences of users on personal vehicles // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2665. — P. 118-121
  • 3 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A. Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Short-Term Traffic Forecasting // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 4 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A. 3D Objects Detection in an Autonomous Car Driving Problem // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 5 Yumaganov A., Agafonov A., Myasnikov V. Map Matching Algorithm Based on Dynamic Programming Approach // Proceedings of the 2020 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2020. — 2020. — P. 563-566
  • 1 Agafonov A.A., Yumaganov A.S. Performance comparison of machine learning methods in the bus arrival time prediction problem // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2416. — P. 57-62
  • 2 Agafonov A.A., Yumaganov A.S. Bus Arrival Time Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Network with LSTM Architecture // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2019. — Vol. 28. Issue 3. — P. 222-230
  • 3 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A. Bus Arrival Time Prediction with LSTM Neural Network // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. — 2019. — Vol. 11554 LNCS. — P. 11-18
  • 4 Yumaganov A.S. A combined method of similar code sequences search in executable files // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2416. — P. 394-400
  • 5 Borodinov A. A. , Yumaganov A.S., Agafonov A.A. Public transport route planning in the stochastic network based on the user individual preferences // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2391. — P. 66-71
  • 1 Yumaganov A.S., Myasnikov V.V. Searching for similar code sequences in executable files based on the structural analysis of functions // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 2 Agafonov A.A., Yumaganov A.S. Short-term traffic flow forecasting using a distributed spatialtemporal model // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 2210. — P. 402-409
  • 3 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A. Short-term traffic flow forecasting using a distributed spatial-temporal k nearest neighbors model // Proceedings - 21st IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2018. — 2018. — P. 91-98
  • 4 Agafonov A.A., Yumaganov A.S., Myasnikov V.V. Big data analysis in a geoinformatic problem of short-term traffic flow forecasting based on a K nearest neighbors method // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 6. — P. 1101-1111
  • 5 Agafonov A., Yumaganov A. Spatial-Temporal K Nearest Neighbors Model on MapReduce for Traffic Flow Prediction // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. — 2018. — Vol. 11314 LNCS. — P. 253-260
  • 1 Yumaganov A.S., Myasnikov V.V. Comparison of the ways of the program's code initial description in the problem of similar code sequences search // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — P. 445-452
  • 2 Yumaganov A.S., Myasnikov V.V. A method of searching for similar code sequences in executable binary files using a featureless approach // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 5. — P. 756-764
  • 1 Yumaganov A.S., Myasnikov V.V. Similarity search over program code sequences using featureless pattern recognition techniques // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 437-443


  • 1 Бородинов А.А., Агафонов А.А., Юмаганов А.С. Построение маршрута движения на общественном транспорте с учетом индивидуальных предпочтений участников движения // V Международная конференция и молодежная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Т. 2. — С. 342-348
  • 1 Юмаганов А.С., Мясников В.В. Поиск похожих последовательностей кода в исполняемых файлах на основе структурного анализа функций // "Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии (ИТНТ-2018)". — 2018. — С. 2329-2436