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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Степанов Анатолий Николаевич

  • Кафедра информатики и вычислительной математики, заведующий кафедрой
  • Email: stepanov.an@ssau.ru
  • Адрес: Корпус 22а, к. 400 ул. Академика Павлова, 1


  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Chuprov Invariant for Vector–Scalar Fields of Multipole Sources in Shallow Water // Acoustical Physics 2024. — Vol. 70. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 503-512
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N.,  Stepanov A.N. Influence of the Direction of Sources on the Phase Invariants of Vector–Scalar Fields in a Shallow Sea // Doklady Physics 2023. — Vol. 68. Issue 9. № 9. — P. 284-290
  • 2 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Phase Invariants of Vector–Scalar Fields Excited in the Shallow Sea by Multipole Sources // Physics of Wave Phenomena 2023. — Vol. 31. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 371-382
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. On the Possibility of Increasing the Noise Immunity in Detecting Sound Signals in a Shallow Water Using Energy and Phase Invariants // Acoustical Physics 2022. — Vol. 68. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 262-271
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Semenova I.V., Stepanov A.N. Local Anomalous Sound Field Zones in Shallow Water: Experiment and Simulation // Acoustical Physics 2021. — Vol. 67. Issue 6. — P. 619-630
  • 2 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Equiphase Lines of Sound Pressures in the Frequency-Spatial Domain of a Hydroacoustic Field // Doklady Physics 2021. — Vol. 66. Issue 5. — P. 143-146
  • 3 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Interference and Phase Invariants of Sound Fields // Physics of Wave Phenomena 2021. — Vol. 29. Issue 3. — P. 285-292
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Spatial Vector–Scalar Structure of Low-Frequency Fields of Multipole Sources in Interference Maxima Zones // Acoustical Physics 2020. — Vol. 66. Issue 3. — P. 277-289
  • 2 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Sound Pressure Interference and Phase Velocities in Shallow Water: Calculation and Experiment // Acoustical Physics 2020. — Vol. 66. Issue 4. — P. 390-400
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Dependences of the Decay of Vector–Scalar Sound Fields in Zones of Interference Maxima // Acoustical Physics 2019. — Vol. 65. Issue 2. — P. 190-199
  • 2 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Approximation of the laws of attenuation of sound pressure in zones of interference maxima // Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya gidrofizika 2019. — Vol. 12. Issue 4. — P. 94-104
  • 1 Chefonov O.V., Ovchinnikov A.V., Agranat M.B. etc. Nonlinear transfer of intense few cycle terahertz pulse through opaque semiconductors // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 195.
  • 2 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Attenuation Regularities of Vector-Scalar Fields of Multipole Sources in Interference Maxima Regions // Physics of Wave Phenomena 2018. — Vol. 26. Issue 4. — P. 334-341
  • 3 Stepanov A.N., Garasev M.A., Kocharovsky V.V. etc. Generation of magnetic fields behind the front of an electrostatic shock wave in a laser plasma // Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2018, ICLO 2018. — 2018. — P. 242
  • 1 Kuzikov S.V., Fedotov A.E., Peskov N.Y. etc. Millimeter and submillimeter-wave, high-gradient accelerating structures // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1812.
  • 2 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. On the possibility of applying the reciprocity principle in the vector-scalar fields of mutipole sources in a waveguide // Acoustical Physics 2017. — Vol. 63. Issue 3. — P. 321-330
  • 3 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Approximate analytic representations of laws of attenuation in vector-scalar fields of multipole sources in a Pekeris waveguide // Acoustical Physics 2017. — Vol. 63. Issue 6. — P. 660-672
  • 4 Murzanev A.A., Korytin A.I., Kulagin D.I. etc. A method for measuring the nonlinear refractive index from the contrast of an amplitude object image in the optical scheme with phase Zernike filters based on electronic Kerr nonlinearity // Quantum Electronics 2017. — Vol. 47. Issue 3. — P. 245-247
  • 5 Apeksimov D.V., Zemlyanov A.A., Kabanov A.M. etc. Post-filamentation light channels in air // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2017. — Vol. 30. Issue 5. — P. 451-455
  • 6 Sergeev Yu.A., Oladyshkin I.V., Bodrov S.B. etc. Strong terahertz fields: Interaction with condensed matter and electron acceleration // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 149.
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Laws approximating the decay of the vector fields of the vibration velocity and intensity for a monopole source in a waveguide // Physics of Wave Phenomena 2016. — Vol. 24. Issue 4. — P. 324-332
  • 2 Bubis E.L., Lozhkarev V.V., Stepanov A.N. etc. Processes of visualization and image inversion by the phase-contrast method with linear and nonlinear filters // Applied Physics 2016. — Vol. 2016-January. Issue 4. — P. 5-9
  • 3 Kuznetsov G.N., Lebedev O.V., Stepanov A.N. Vertical amplitude phase structure of a low-frequency acoustic field in shallow water // Acoustical Physics 2016. — Vol. 62. Issue 6. — P. 717-728
  • 4 Bubis E.L., Lozhkarev V.V., Stepanov A.N. etc. Study of objects visualization and image inversion by the phase-contrast method with linear and nonlinear filters // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 737. Issue 1.
  • 5 Belova N.I., Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Experimental research of the interference and phase structure of the power flux from a local source in shallow water // Acoustical Physics 2016. — Vol. 62. Issue 3. — P. 328-338
  • 6 Bubis E.L., Martynov V.O., Murzanev A.A. etc. Numerical simulation of image inversion of small-scale opaque object by the phase contrast technique with adaptive nonlinear Kerr filter // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. R857
  • 1 Pugachev L.P., Andreev N.E., Levashov P.R. etc. Laser acceleration of electrons in two-dimensionally inhomogeneous plasma at the boundary of a metal foil // Plasma Physics Reports 2015. — Vol. 41. Issue 7. — P. 542-552
  • 2 Matvienko G.G., Oshlakov V.K., Stepanov A.N. etc. Modelling of radiative transfer by the Monte Carlo method and solving the inverse problem based on a genetic algorithm according to experimental results of aerosol sensing on short paths using a femtosecond laser source // Quantum Electronics 2015. — Vol. 45. Issue 2. — P. 145-152
  • 3 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Interference and phase structure of the low-frequency vector-scalar field in shallow water for variable reception or transmission depths // Physics of Wave Phenomena 2015. — Vol. 23. Issue 4. — P. 279-291
  • 4 Happonen A., Stepanov A., Hirvimäki M. etc. Art-technology Collaboration and Motivation Sources in Technologically Supported Artwork Buildup Project // Physics Procedia. — 2015. — Vol. 78. — P. 407-414
  • 5 Happonen A., Stepanov A., Piili H. Feasible Application Area Study for Linear Laser Cutting in Paper Making Processes // Physics Procedia. — 2015. — Vol. 78. — P. 174-181
  • 6 Happonen A., Stepanov A., Piili H. etc. Innovation Study for Laser Cutting of Complex Geometries with Paper Materials // Physics Procedia. — 2015. — Vol. 78. — P. 128-137
  • 7 Stepanov A., Saukkonen E., Piili H. Possibilities of Laser Processing of Paper Materials // Physics Procedia. — 2015. — Vol. 78. — P. 138-146
  • 8 Stepanov A., Saukkonen E., Piili H. etc. Effect of Moisture Content of Paper Material on Laser Cutting // Physics Procedia. — 2015. — Vol. 78. — P. 120-127
  • 9 Stepanov A., Manninen M., Pärnänen I. etc. Laser Cutting of Leather: Tool for Industry or Designers? // Physics Procedia. — 2015. — Vol. 78. — P. 157-162
  • 1 Stepanov A., Piili H., Islam M. etc. Comparison of theoretical and practical studies of energy input in laser additive manufacturing (LAM) using stainless steel // Lasers in Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 28. Issue 5-6. — P. 289-302
  • 2 Malkov Yu.A., Yashunin D.A., Kiselev A.M. etc. Tunable coherent soft x-ray source based on the generation of high-order harmonic of femtosecond laser radiation in gas-filled capillaries // Quantum Electronics 2014. — Vol. 44. Issue 5. — P. 484-488
  • 3 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Interference structure of the field of infrasonic directed sources in shallow water // Acoustical Physics 2014. — Vol. 60. Issue 1. — P. 34-44
  • 4 Bubis E.L., Gusev S.A., Lozhkarev V.V. etc. A method for obtaining inverted images // Instruments and Experimental Techniques 2014. — Vol. 57. Issue 5. — P. 620-621
  • 5 Bubis E.L., Lozhkarev V.V., Kozhevatov I.E. etc. Contrast inversion by focusing laser beam in an absorbing medium // Proceedings - 2014 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2014. — 2014. —
  • 1 Malkov Y.A., Stepanov A.N., Yashunin D.A. etc. Generation of quasi-monochromatic beams of accelerated electrons during interaction of weak-contrast intense femtosecond laser radiation with a metal-foil edge // Quantum Electronics 2013. — Vol. 43. Issue 3. — P. 226-231
  • 2 Apeksimov D.V., Geints Y.E., Zemlyanov A.A. etc. Filamentation of non-Gaussian laser beams with different geometric divergence along an atmospheric path // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2013. — Vol. 26. Issue 3. — P. 171-177
  • 3 Malkov Y.A., Stepanov A.N., Yashunin D.A. etc. Optically produced collimated quasimonoenergetic electron beams for laser-plasma acceleration // Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. — 2013. —
  • 4 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. Approximating models for the regular component of the infrasound field produced by multipole sources in planar-stratified waveguide // Acoustical Physics 2013. — Vol. 59. Issue 3. — P. 333-344
  • 5 Yashunin D.A., Malkov Yu.A., Stepanov A.N. Fabrication of microcapillaries in fused silica using axicon focusing of femtosecond laser radiation and chemical etching // Quantum Electronics 2013. — Vol. 43. Issue 4. — P. 300-303
  • 6 Geints Yu.E., Zemlyanov A.A., Kabanov A.M. etc. Experimental study of filamentation of high-power ultrashort laser pulses with initial angular divergence in air // Quantum Electronics 2013. — Vol. 43. Issue 4. — P. 350-355
  • 7 Malkov Yu.A., Stepanov A.N., Yashunin D.A. etc. Collimated quasi-monochromatic beams of accelerated electrons in the interaction of a weak-contrast intense femtosecond laser pulse with a metal foil // High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2013. — Vol. 1. Issue 2. — P. 80-87
  • 8 Malkov Y.A., Stepanov A.N., Yashunin D.A. etc. Optically produced collimated quasimonoenergetic electron beams for laser-plasma acceleration // 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2013. — 2013. —
  • 9 Geints Y.E., Zemlyanov A.A., Kabanov A.M. etc. Filament formation beyond linear focus during femtosecond laser pulse propagation in air // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2013. — Vol. 26. Issue 2. — P. 96-103
  • 1 Smirnov A.I., Stepanov A.N. Channelling of a microwave discharge by a plasma filament created in atmospheric air by an intense femtosecond laser pulse // International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. — 2012. —
  • 1 Apeksimov D.V., Geints Y.E., Zemlyanov A.A. etc. Effective parameters of terawatt femtosecond laser radiation on a horizontal atmospheric path // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2011. — Vol. 24. Issue 2. — P. 165-172
  • 2 Kiselev A.M., Ponomarev Y.N., Stepanov A.N. etc. Nonlinear absorption of femtosecond laser pulses (800 nm) by atmospheric air and water vapour // Quantum Electronics 2011. — Vol. 41. Issue 11. — P. 976-979
  • 3 Stepanov A., Piili H., Saukkonen E. etc. Effect of linear cutting energy on coloration of paper in laser cutting of paper material // 30th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, ICALEO 2011. — 2011. — P. 71-79
  • 1 Apeksimov D.V., Bochkarev N.N., Bochkovskii D.A. etc. INVESTIGATION OF THE INTERACTION OF FEMTOSECOND LASER RADIATION WITH BIOTISSUES BY THE OPTOACOUSTIC METHOD // Russian Physics Journal 2010. — Vol. 53. Issue 5. — P. 521-525
  • 2 Apeksimova D.V., Geints Y.E., Zemlyanov A.A. etc. Propagation of a high-power ultrashort laser pulse along a horizontal atmospheric path // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2010. — Vol. 23. Issue 1. — P. 14-20
  • 3 Stepanov A., Piili H., Salminen A. Color change in laser cutting of paper material // 29th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, ICALEO 2010 - Congress Proceedings. — 2010. — Vol. 103. — P. 1394-1403
  • 4 Stepanov A.N., Yashunin D.A. Formation of nanostructures on the surface of polymer films by an atomic force microscope tip // Journal of Surface Investigation 2010. — Vol. 4. Issue 5. — P. 803-806
  • 1 Bogatov N.A., Kuznetsov A.I., Smirnov A.I. etc. Channeling of microwave radiation in a double line containing a plasma filament produced by intense femtosecond laser pulses in air // Quantum Electronics 2009. — Vol. 39. Issue 10. — P. 985-988
  • 2 Zemlyanov A.A., Bykova E.E., Kabanov A.M. etc. The influence of femtosecond pulses of TI:SAPPHIRE laser on the optical materials // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2009. — Vol. 7296.
  • 3 Geints Y.E., Zemlyanov A.A., Kabanov A.M. etc. Self-action of tightly focused femtosecond laser radiation in air in a filamentation regime: Laboratory and numerical experiments // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2009. — Vol. 22. Issue 2. — P. 150-157
  • 4 Matvienko G.G., Bagaev S.N., Zemlyanov A.A. etc. Effective parameters of high-power laser femtosecond radiation at self-focusing in gas and aerosol media // Topics in Applied Physics. — 2009. — Vol. 114. — P. 507-516
  • 5 Skobelev S.A., Kulagin D.I., Stepanov A.N. etc. Ionization self-compression of intense femtosecond pulses propagating through gas-filled dielectric capillaries // JETP Letters 2009. — Vol. 89. Issue 11. — P. 540-546
  • 1 Bochkarev N.N., Kabanov A.M., Protasevich E.S. etc. Optical acoustic experimental investigation of propagation femtosecond laser radiation in air and biological tissues // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2008. — Vol. 6938.
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Stepanov A.N. The field of an equivalent multipole composite radiator in a waveguide // Acoustical Physics 2007. — Vol. 53. Issue 3. — P. 326-334
  • 2 Vikharev A.A., Denisov G.G., Kocharovsky Vl.V. etc. Fast quasi-optical phase shifter based on the effect of induced photo conductivity in silicon // Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 2007. — Vol. 50. Issue 10-11. — P. 786-793
  • 3 Denisov G.G., Kocharovsky V.V., Kuzikov S.V. etc. Fast quasi-optical phase shifter based on induced photoconductivity in silicon // IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves, and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. — 2007. — P. 795-796
  • 4 Vikharev A.A., Denisov G.G., Kocharovskiǐ Vl.V. etc. A high-speed quasi-optical wave phase switch based on the induced photoconductivity effect in silicon // Technical Physics Letters 2007. — Vol. 33. Issue 9. — P. 735-737
  • 1 Kartashov D.V., Kirsanov A.V., Kiselev A.M. etc. Nonlinear absorption of intense femtosecond laser radiation in air // Optics Express. — 2006. — Vol. 14. Issue 17. — P. 7552-7558
  • 2 Bochkarev N.N., Zemlyanov A.A., Zemlyanov Al.A. etc. Nonlinear optical acoustic effect during the interaction of femtosecond laser pulse with air amd aerosol particles // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2006. — Vol. 6160 I.
  • 1 Matvienko G.G., Bagaev S.N., Zemlyanov A.A. etc. Effective parameters of high-power laser femtosecond radiation at self-focusing in gas and aerosol media // IQEC, International Quantum Electronics Conference Proceedings. — 2005. — Vol. 2005. — P. 1707-1708
  • 2 Bochkarev N.N., Donchenko V.A., Zemlyanov A.A. etc. Fluorescence of a liquid drop with a dye excited by femtosecond laser pulses // Russian Physics Journal 2005. — Vol. 48. Issue 4. — P. 344-348
  • 1 Stepanov A.N., Kirsanov A.V., Kiselev A.M. etc. Formation of nanostructures on the surface of metal films by the probe of an atomic-force microscope during the action of laser pulses // Journal of Optical Technology . — 2004. — Vol. 71. Issue 6. — P. 379-383
  • 2 Babin A.A., Kiselev A.M., Kulagin D.I. etc. Shock-wave generation upon axicon focusing of femtosecond laser radiation in transparent dielectrics // JETP Letters 2004. — Vol. 80. Issue 5. — P. 298-302
  • 3 Bochkarev N.N., Zemlyanov A.A., Zemlyanov Al.A. etc. Experimental investigation into interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with aerosol // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5743. — P. 199-204
  • 4 Balakin A.A., Kartashov D.V., Kiselev A.M. etc. Laser pulse amplification upon Raman backscattering in plasma produced in dielectric capillaries // JETP Letters 2004. — Vol. 80. Issue 1. — P. 12-16
  • 1 Kirsanov A., Kiselev A., Polushkin N. etc. Femtosecond laser-induced nanofabrication in the near field on an atomic force microscope tip // Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series. — 2003. — Vol. 89.
  • 2 Kirsanov A., Kiselev A., Stepanov A. etc. Femtosecond laser-induced nanofabrication in the near-field of atomic force microscope tip // Journal of Applied Physics 2003. — Vol. 94. Issue 10. — P. 6822-6826
  • 1 Babin A.A., Kartashov D.V., Kiselev A.M. etc. Ionization spectrum broadening and frequency blue-shift of high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses in gas-filled capillary tubes // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2002. — Vol. 75. Issue 4-5. — P. 509-514
  • 2 Babin A.A., Kiselev A.M., Kirsanov A.V. etc. A 10-fs Ti: Sapphire laser with a folded ring resonator // Quantum Electronics 2002. — Vol. 32. Issue 5. — P. 401-403
  • 3 Babin A.A., Kartashov D.V., Kiselev A.M. etc. Ionization spectrum transformation and compression of powerful femtosecond laser pulses in experiments on the propagation in gas-filled dielectric capillaries // JETP Letters 2002. — Vol. 76. Issue 9. — P. 548-552
  • 1 Babin A.A., Kiselev A.M., Sergeev A.M. etc. Terawatt femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser system // Quantum Electronics 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 7. — P. 623-626
  • 2 Aleksandrov A.P., Babin A.A., Kiselev A.M. etc. Formation of microstructures in As2S3 by a femtosecond laser pulse train // Quantum Electronics 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 5. — P. 398-400
  • 1 Stepanov A.N. The field of a directional hydroacoustic radiator in the pekeris waveguide // Akusticheskij Zhurnal 1999. — Vol. 45. Issue 2. — P. 278-280
  • 2 Stepanov A.N. Field of a directional hydroacoustic radiator in the pekeris waveguide // Acoustical Physics 1999. — Vol. 45. Issue 2. — P. 242-244
  • 1 Siders C.W., Le Blanc S.P., Fisher D. etc. Laser wakefield excitation and measurement by femtosecond longitudinal interferometry // PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1996. — Vol. 76. Issue 19. — P. 3570-3573
  • 2 Stepanov A.N. Mode Representation of the Field of a Directional Radiator in a Waveguide // Acoustical Physics 1996. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 257-258
  • 3 Stepanov A.N. Attenuation of signals from directional radiators in a shallow sea // Acoustical Physics 1996. — Vol. 42. Issue 4. — P. 515-516
  • 4 Siders C.W., Le Blanc S.P., Fisher D. etc. Measurement of laser wakefield oscillations by femtosecond longitudinal interferometry // Springer Series in Chemical Physics 1996. — Vol. 62. — P. 128-129
  • 5 Stepanov A.N. Mode representation of the field of a directional radiator in a waveguide // Akusticheskij Zhurnal 1996. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 291-292
  • 6 Stepanov A.N. Signal decay rate in a shallow sea // Acoustical Physics 1996. — Vol. 42. Issue 3. — P. 393-394
  • 7 Babin A.A., Kim A.V., Kiselev A.N. etc. Interaction of superstrong laser fields with matter: Hypotheses, effects, and applications // Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 1996. — Vol. 39. Issue 6. — P. 472-485


  • 1 Кузнецов Г.Н., Степанов А.Н. Векторно-скалярные поля мультипольных гидроакустических источников, эквивалентных шумоизлучению морских объектов Москва: Буки Веди, 2022. 304с.
  • 1 Семенова И.В., Степанов А.Н. Поля направленных излучателей в неоднородных областях. Модели. Численный эксперимент. Анализ. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. 156с.
  • 1 Степанов А.Н. Мультипольная модель гидроакустических источников Самара: Самарский университет, 2000. 212с.


  • 1 Г.Н. Кузнецов, Степанов А.Н. Инвариант Чупрова для векторно-скалярных полей мультипольных источников в мелком море // Акустический журнал. — 2024. — Т. 70. № 3. — С. 78-90
  • 1 Кузнецов Г.Н., Степанов А.Н. О возможности повышения помехоустойчивости обнаружения звуковых сигналов в мелком море с использованием энергетических и фазовых инвариантов. // Акустический журнал. — 2022. — Т. 68. № 3. — С. 300-311
  • 1 Кузнецов Г.Н., Семенова И.В., Степанов А.Н. Локальные аномальные зоны звукового поля в мелком море. Эксперимент и моделирование // Акустический журнал. — 2021. — Т. 67. № 6. — С. 626-638
  • 1 Кузнецов Г.Н., Степанов А.Н. Интерференция звукового давления и фазовые скорости в мелком море: расчет и эксперимент // Акустический журнал. — 2020. — Т. 66. № 4. — С. 408-419
  • 2 Кузнецов Г.Н., Степанов А.Н. Пространственная векторно-скалярная структура низкочастотных полей мультипольных источников в зонах интерференционных максимумов // Акустический журнал. — 2020. — Т. 66. № 3. — С. 294-307
  • 1 Kuznetsov G.N., Степанов А. Н. Approximation of the laws of attenuation of sound pressure in zones of interference maxima // Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика. — 2019. — Т. 12. Вып. 4. — С. 94-104
  • 2 Кузнецов Г.Н., Степанов А.Н. Закономерности ослабления векторно-скалярных звуковых полей в зонах интерференционных максимумов // Акустический журнал. — 2019. — Т. 65. № 2. — С. 203-213
  • 1 Степанов А.Н., Кузнецов Г.Н. Приближённые аналитические представления законов спадания векторно-скалярных полей мультипольных источников в волноводе Пекериса // Акустический журнал. — 2017. — Т. 63. № 6. — С. 623-636
  • 1 Белова Н. И., Кузнецов Г.Н., Степанов А.Н. Экспериментальное исследование интерференционной и фазовой структуры потока мощности от локальных источников в мелком море // Акустический журнал. — 2016. — Т. 62. № 3. — С. 318-329
  • 2 Степанов А.Н., Кузнецов Г. Н. Исследование интерференционной и фазовой структуры скалярных и векторных характеристик звукового поля в мелком море // Гидроакустика. — 2016. — № 28(4). — С. 42-53
  • 3 Степанов А.Н., Кузнецов Г. Н., Лебедев О.В. Вертикальная амплитудно-фазовая структура низкочастотного векторно-скалярного поля в мелком море // Акустический журнал. — 2016. — Т. 62. № 6. — С. 699-711
  • 4 Степанов А.Н., Кузнецов Г. Н. Амплитудно-фазовая структура векторно-скалярного низкочастотного поля в мелком море // Гидроакустика. — 2016. — № 27(3). — С. 23-37
  • 1 Степанов А.Н., Кузнецов Г. Н. Инфразвуковые интерференционные поля направленных источников в мелком море // Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика. — 2015. — № T. 8, № 2. — С. 36-46
  • 1 Степанов А.Н., Кузнецов Г. Н. Интерференционная структура поля инфразвуковых направленных источников в мелком море // Акустический журнал. — 2014. — № T. 60, № 1. — С. 36-47
  • 1 Семенова И.В., Степанов А.Н. Поле направленного излучателя в полупространстве с антиволноводным распространением звука // Информатика и системы управления. — 2010. — № № 1. — С. 30-41


  • 1 Кузнецов Г.Н., Степанов А.Н. Сравнение характеристик энергетического и фазового инвариантов в мелком море // Всероссийская научная конференция «XXХV сессия Российского акустического общества». — 2023. — С. 553-558
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