2003 - 2009 Высшее: Самарский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика С.П.Королева, факультет Информатика
1Yuldashev Z., Sergeev A., Nastueva N. IoMT technology as the basis of wearable online monitors for space distributed monitoring systems for pregnant women // 2021 Wave Electronics and its Application in Information and Telecommunication Systems, WECONF 2021 - Conference Proceedings. — 2021. —
1Agafonov A.A., Chernov A.V., Sergeev A.V.Using satellite monitoring and statistical data to predict arrival time of city public transport // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2015. — Vol. 25. Issue 3. — P. 385-388
1Agafonov A.A., Sergeev A.V., Chernov A.V.Forecasting of the motion parameters of city transport by satellite monitoring data // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 3. — P. 453-458
1Bavrina A.Y., Myasnikov V.V., Sergeev A.V.Method of parametric estimation of optoelectronic tract of remote sensed optical image formation // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 4. — P. 500-507
1Sergeev A.V., Sergeev V.V.Method of lossless compression of synthetic digital images based on selection of similar fragments // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2008. — Vol. 18. Issue 4. — P. 687-689
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